Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Fall chapter

We had our first days of cool air and you can feel the Fall climate. I've finish cleaning up a used insert stove I got from a neighbor. It is as heavy as all get out, but Joe has helped me move it to the back yard where I have sanded and wirebrushed the surface so a coat of stove black can be applied. It will be a day or two until I can move it into the house and get it in the fireplace. I'll need the Ben Gay after that.

These photos are of my son and granddaughter. Momma was taking the picture. Laura, Chase and Shelby are in Japan for another year or so, but Chase says that they are going to try and come home for Christmas. Shelby is growing up way too fast for me. I am excited for them to get here, so I can spoil Shelby, and Chase and Laura. Don't you just love those pink Croc's Shelby is wearing?

I fired some work in Shane Mickey's kiln this pass week and unloaded this pass Thursday. I got some work out that I really enjoyed. I had almost forgot how much of a surprise (in a good way) I get from a wood kiln. Maria and I went up to the shop and worked on the foundation for the wood kiln I have planned. I dug a large footer for the stack, so it wound not sink or tilt. I'm going to go ahead and pour the footer for it this week if I have time, still making work to reload Shane's kiln again. I got some ideals for test glazes and slips to put in this upcoming firing. Well, I need a nap, so go make good pots.

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