Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bowls part Two

This is a Will Ruggles and Douglass Rankin bowl that I fell in love with the moment I came across it.  The areas of the bowl are well defined, the foot is cut with a slight bevel, giving the bowl lift with the trimmed area above the foot gently defined.  The wall tapers outwardly, but you can notice in the top photo there is a slight taper inward with the lip, giving a certain feel to its placement.  The inside exhibits a thoughtfully large finger marking that spirals upward towards the lip.  The weight to size ratio is balanced and gives it the warmth of something genuine and unique.

Will told me that he felt the feel of the bowl was due more to the equipment he used, a Japanese kick wheel and a fairly soft clay,  it made you throw a certain way, it slows the process down.  The rib he used is a very fat kidney shaped rib, so the shapes are consistently produced, so I started using the rib and I slowed down my throwing and I enjoy making a form that is satisfactory for me.

Maria.....where is my oatmeal?

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