It occurred this weekend, and I was able to go around a little bit and say hi. Folks were buying and a lot of the potters were busy up till closing. That was very refreshing to see, most shows have been very slow with a lot of potters going home not even paying for their booth. Charlotte was very comfortable for me this year, we got lost going in to Charlotte the first year and then Maria and I got a bit sick from the stress I had self imposed. But, this time we had a couple of decent meals and just rested. Maria had a sinus and ear infection and was not up to par, but she hung in there for the show and enjoyed herself.
Can anyone guess the mystery potter in the first photo? My flash did not go off. It looked like a good contest.

This is Shawn Irland talking with a buyer.

This is a shot of Ken Sedberry and his guardian series.

Jane Pieser is with some buyers and Terry Gess is in the back ground.

Terry Gess was the mystery photo.