I have gone and done something that I have only done one other time in my life, Joe Namath was quarterbacking that game. Normally, I could care less for who is playing or even if someone was playing, but I had to rut for the Saints. I was happy and enjoyed seeing them win. I must be totally bored out of my mind, it must be desperation or cabin fever. I always prided myself on never have been to or seen a UT game (of which I am an alumni) of any kind. Anyway: Good job , Saints.
My blogging about clay has decreased of late, I decided to not work in the studio this winter, and it has been wonderful pursuing another love of mine, cooking. I have been writing and sharing recipes with other folks across the country. My blog is on the side bar called "Food Cabinet", check it out, my blog list has a number of professional sites and just plain folks sharing ideals and recipes and I have found some very inventive and intuitive cooks with some great ideals.
Now I know what you are thinking, doesn't like football, likes to cook-he's gay (as if this is the criteria for any title). Well, no I'm not, but........my wife says "You need to rethink this, Slagle. Lately, you have had some very girlly moments." "Well", in my rebuttal, Nathan Lane in "The Bird Gage" showed us that even John Wayne had his girlly moments." Enough said about this. Get back to making those cold clay pots with sexual overtones and symbolism.